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Where do your customers park?
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Well, the easy answer is…in the parking lot! But even the parking of vehicles has a number of things to consider. Sometimes you have a restaurant that has a tremendous amount of parking. Sometimes it is limited parking. Sometimes it’s a beautiful day. Sometimes it’s raining and cold. Maybe you’re in a Mall. Maybe you are all alone in a standalone building. So, where do people park?
Who is your “Mentor”?
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
My managing partner said to me a long time ago that he hired with an eye towards “ he didn’t want to be the smartest guy in the room.” I think that Legendary Coach John Wooden said that “It’s what you learn after you know it all that makes the difference”.
Start your own “University”
Monday, February 10, 2025
One of my restaurants is a well known Wine bar. Nationally recognized in fact. Probably 15 years ago, one of the managers suggested that we start a “University”. We had classes every Monday night. Up to thirty “Students” at a class. One of the managers presented the class for the evening. Always a tasting where they talked about the wines.
Everyone loves a Football game!
Friday, February 7, 2025
But there-in lies the problem. One of our more popular bars had seven Flatscreen TV’s on which we showed NFL football games every Sunday. We are in a city with a NFL team and so on gamedays, everyone was tuned in to the local team. Our staff always wanted us to have all kinds of gameday discounts with half price beers, discounted wings and nacho’s, dollar off everything and giveaways.
Pick a number that doesn’t make sense
Monday, February 3, 2025
We have always tried to do things that make us stand out from the crowd. Now that Christmas is over, I am getting a constant barrage of emails announcing 50% off, or a 70% discount. Doors open at 10:00 AM for early shopping. All of those numbers seem similar in that they are nice round, lets say “Normal” numbers to entice us to action. Over the years, we have had fun by offering 22% off, or a 43% discount. Once we opened at 10:57 for lunch.
How comfortable are your chairs?
Friday, January 31, 2025
It’s perhaps a little thing. I mean, chairs are chairs. Right? But your chair selection makes a world of difference. When we opened our nationally acclaimed wine bar, we got these padded, comfortable swivel bar stools. I think they were from a big brand store that sold them as barstools for your basement bar.
What station are you listening to?
Monday, January 27, 2025
We always say that there are three things in the Restaurant experience that we can control. The lighting, the temperature and the music. This time, I’ll talk about the music. Music is a critical element in the customers experience and in turn, how they enjoy their dining experience at your establishment.
Today is National Broccoli Day!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
There is a calendar for every day, and what we are supposed to celebrate. National Hot Dog Day, National French Fry Day, National Red Wine Day. You name it and there is a “Designated” day for it. I’m not sure who came up with it, but I suspect the greeting card people had something to do with it.
Making the Most Out of Your Menu
Friday, December 13, 2024
Creating a well-formatted food menu is crucial for selling more food and providing a positive customer experience. Here are some recommendations on how to format a physical menu to achieve these goals:
Italian Restaurant Menus
Friday, January 17, 2025
Italian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its rich flavors, fresh ingredients, and diverse regional specialties. The history of Italian restaurants and classic Italian dishes is deeply rooted in centuries-old culinary traditions that have evolved over time.
Mexican Restaurant Menus
Friday, December 13, 2024
Mexican cuisine is a vibrant and diverse culinary tradition that reflects the country's rich history and cultural heritage. Here's a history and overview of Mexican restaurants and authentic Mexican dishes:
Breakfast in a mug…
Friday, January 24, 2025
Most of the walk-in lunch and happy hour business you will get will be from workers and individuals who work near you restaurant. They don’t typically have time to travel a distance during lunch and certainly for Happy Hour, they like the convenience of sometimes walking down the steps and out the door and right into your place.
The Three things that you can control.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Ok, so that sounds like a loaded statement, but when I get a new manager I ask them what those three things are. They always say something about, staff and food, but this is different. The three things that you control are Music, Temperature and Lighting. And they all play a huge part in the guest experience.
Time to go! Then go!
Friday, December 27, 2024
One of the great faults of restaurants and servers is the end of the meal. Guests come in and have a great time. They love the ambience. They love the cocktails and wine. They think that the food is great.
The customer is always right?
Friday, December 13, 2024
Well, not it’s time to handle one of the big ones. Over the years, I have had a number of guests tell me that “The Customer is always right!” one said it in a tone that wasn’t going to get him what he thought he would derive from making that statement to me. In truth, the Customer is not always right, BUT, they are always the customer.
When you ask, be specific.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Managers are famous for working the room and asking guests, “How was everything?” The guest will generally respond with, “Fine”. At that point the manager moves on and in their mind they think that they checked in with the guests and got positive feedback. Great interaction; end of story.
What does your customer see?
Friday, November 15, 2024
I have a bit of a running joke with my staff where I ask them if anyone saw the dead moose in the vestibule to the restaurant. They all ask in shock “is there really a dead moose in the vestibule?” I would reply, no, but how would you know. The entire staff comes in the back door to the kitchen and they don’t see what the customer sees.
Are you hiring?
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
The answer is, “YES, we are always hiring”. There have been times in my career where I had assembled a really good staff and things were going smoothly. It’s tempting at that moment to think that things are great and you don’t need anyone else to fit in the schedule. But then, a staff member announces they are moving, that they have decided to go back to school, They are pregnant or they have some other life choice that means that they are leaving. Suddenly, that server who handled five shifts a week is gone.
It’s not how you feel; but how you look! And you look Mahvelous!
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
I always loved when Billy Crystal did his Ricardo Montalban impression when he said “You look Mahvelous!”. Of course, I like most of what Billy Crystal did! However, there is something to be said for appearances. Now I know that everyone is lining up to tell me that it doesn’t matter and that everyone has the right to be an individual and look like they want. And I agree, on their time they do. But when your employees are in your restaurant, they represent you, and then, Looks are important.
Don’t go home, till you make something happen.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Years ago, we opened a second unit to our flagship restaurant 2 hours away in another state. It was a difficult thing to do and then after opening our executive chef/ Manager left to get married and we were in a bit of a bind. My partner and I began to split the shifts and I would work Monday and Tuesday, he would come down and relieve me and work Wednesday and Thursday and I worked Friday and Saturday. Thankfully we had someone who managed Sundayfor us.
Who Did You Talk to Today?
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
I always ask myself who have I spoken to in the course of the day that will help me to grow my business. I talk to a lot of people every day because it’s my job. Some are brand new individuals who I just met. Nice people that just happen to have come across my path. Some in the restaurant and some in the check-out line at the grocery store. All are just people when you first meet them. But then, I find out more about them. Recently I had a couple at one of the bars in the restaurant and I was chatting with them.
Don’t Forget to Write…
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
I have a friend who is also in the restaurant business. He and his partner own 85 units of an east coast chain, all privately held by the two of them. They have been wildly successful and maybe two of the nicest guys on the planet. They used to live near one of my restaurants, but have since moved to Florida.
Great ideas are everywhere!
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
You run your business 24/7. You are always marketing, thinking about ways to make your business more successful. It’s an all the time endeavor. However, sometimes you need to take a break and get a little break from the day to day challenges. But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to look for ways to make yourself more successful.
Join the Club!
Monday, August 12, 2024
We owned a bar that featured Rum. Lots of rum. To be fair, 134 different rums from all over the world. We had a tropical theme and people who came in enjoyed the rum cocktails and easy going vibe. Jimmy Buffet, God rest his soul, would have been proud. But we wanted to create something that would keep the guests coming back. Out of that desire, an idea was formed. We started a Rum passport club.
Let your suppliers throw the party!
Monday, August 12, 2024
Years ago, we partnered with our friends at a very famous Irish Beer company to hype our St. Patrick’s day celebration. We were a bar that wasn’t necessarily an Irish pub, but we were close enough to get some traction out of the Holiday. And St. Patrick’s Day, when everyone is a little Irish, is a great day for food and beverage if you market it correctly.
What’s your story?...
Monday, August 12, 2024
Every great restaurant starts with a great story. Who are you? Where did you come from? What is it about you and your business that makes a great story? How does your story connect with your guests to make them more likely to support you and your business as you grow? By telling your unique story, you create a connection bigger than just the food and drinks that you serve.
Hey, is that really your hot sauce?
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
At one of our restaurants, we serve oysters. Big, Juicy, wet, raw, briny oysters! I love them. We offer the standard cocktail sauce, Horseradish, and a Mignonette sauce. But we also have a green pepper sauce that pairs beautifully with the taste of the raw oysters. It goes well on a lot of dishes, but I love it, particularly on the shellfish. Everyone talks about it and so, we ended up having it bottled for us as a way of being unique and notable.
Who is the Mayor?
Monday, July 29, 2024
Every restaurant needs a “mayor”. Not the political kind, but the small-town model of that individual that everyone knows. It's great if your staff develops a relationship with the customers in a way that they come back to see them specifically, but it’s best to have someone who everyone recognizes as the “personality” of the business. In some businesses, it’s the owner who is always on the floor greeting guests and treating everyone like an old friend.
Give your guests a gift that gives back to you…
Thursday, July 25, 2024
We discovered an idea maybe 15 years ago that may be the best marketing idea we’ve ever conceived. We call it the Red Envelope giveaway. Here’s how it works. We actually print red envelopes that have our logo on the front. On the flap, it has instructions in large bold type. It starts with “Do Not Open This Envelope!” Here’s how it works. Each sealed envelope holds a card that lists a prize. Free glass of wine. Free appetizer. A free dessert.
All Aboard!
Monday, July 22, 2024
There is a saying that goes, “The way you onboard your staff sets the tone for your business”. In short, set eh ground rules for new employees and be diligent about making sure that they understand who you are as an organization and what you stand for. If people come on board the organization without knowing the ground rules and what is expected of them, they tend to do whatever they like. That, is a recipe for disaster.
The Duck Patrol
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Believe it or not, the decision as to where to dine is often made by the kids. Do you think that the happy meal happened by chance? Kids often influence the choice of food venues because they like or have fun at the establishment. Though they don’t account for a large part of the total check, they are the ones who bring parents and family along.
Be a champion in your community!
Monday, July 15, 2024
There used to be a business axiom that you should spend between 5 and 10 percent of your yearly sales total on advertising and marketing. Now, whether that was created by Park Avenue is ripe for discussion, but businesses worked somewhere around those numbers. Back in the day of print media, restaurants advertised in the Newspaper, Magazines and other publications. The pitch was always that 52,000 subscribers will see your ad. Some high end publications would pitch us with ¼ page ads at a price of $3,500. Why, because all of these people were going to see my ad. Of course, these people were from all over the market, many 50 miles from my location.
Swapping prizes for your information…
Friday, July 12, 2024
Information is money. But how are you going to get your customers to offer up theirs? The more that you know about your customers the better you can create additional revenue. Who are they? Where are they from? What is their Birthday or Anniversary? What did they think of their visit to your restaurant? All of this information is extremely valuable and so you need a way to secure that from your customers in a way that they want to give it to you. We devised a card that allowed for all of that, and gave them a chance at a reward at the same time.
Why sell Dining Certificates instead of Gift cards?
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Everyone knows that gift cards are the fast and easy way to sell your business to your guests. They fit in a wallet and they look like a credit card, which of course, is really the whole idea. They are clean, neat and easily issued on your POS system. There was a time years ago, where gift card sales where a billion dollar industry particularly around the holidays. Businesses were hawking their cards and packaging them so that the last minute shopper was eager to use it instead of spending a great deal of time shopping for that “Perfect Gift”. With the use of gift cards, of course, the way they were issued and the restrictions changed. You can no longer put an expiration date on a gift card. They are good forever.
Are you “World Famous”?
Monday, June 3, 2024
Years ago, we had a chef, we’ll call him Larry, and he made a crab dip. It was pretty good, but we decided to highlight it by always saying that we had “Chef Larry’s World Famous Crab Dip!.” The title always accompanied the dish. On Catering menus, on the restaurant menu, when we were hosting a fundraiser, it was always the same. Chef Larry’s World Famous Crab Dip. After a while, our customers picked up the mantle and began to say, “and oh yeah, I need some of that World Famous Crab Dip”. Once in an argument with Larry, he told me that he had a world famous Crab Dip. I responded that it was only world famous because I told everyone that it was! Remember, we were a local restaurant and not a National Chain and so everything is open to one person’s opinion. But Larry’s, was World Famous.
I can’t remember the name, but the color looks familiar…
Thursday, May 16, 2024
More and more businesses are creating an identity through color. A certain national donut shop is about the Pink and the Orange. Those trucks that deliver packages overnight highlight the purple and the orange. The world’s largest sales and delivery company has a particular blue grey and white. All of these companies no longer even need to say who they are on their signage because we all associate them because we recognize the color scheme. Our minds automatically say, “oh that must have something to do with FEDEX” because we see the colors and fill in the blank. These massive companies spend billions developing the color recognition because they want to evoke recognition at first glance. But what can you do to achieve the same thing, without spending millions in marketing?
What is your whale?
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Everyone has seen the Food Shows where Adam Richman goes to a restaurant and eats the 12 pound hamburger or the 8 pound burrito, or some over the top challenge that a mere mortal could not achieve. And truth be told, 99% of the people who visit those restaurants on a regular basis are not there to complete the over the top challenge of a ridiculous dish. But, the restaurant doesn’t care. All they want is for people to talk about it in the community so that the word of mouth makes people come in.
What does your card say about you?
Thursday, May 16, 2024
A business card is a way of introducing yourself to someone. Your logo, address and Phone number. Maybe the website address and an email. I should know, because I have a stack of them that I collect all of the time. But what makes yours memorable? If your card is just going to end up in a stack of others, why go to the trouble of having them and handing them out?
Giveaway Free Food! What?
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Over the years we have learned that sometimes, you need to think outside the box. Does it make sense to give away things to try and win a new customer? Absolutely! We have a supplier who does all of our embroidery and our shirts and hats. I told the owner once that he should consider doing a little something for free and include it in the delivery of the goods that we ordered.
Elevate Your Restaurant's Brand with Print Kitchen: Your One-Stop Printing Solution
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Welcome to Print Kitchen, where we blend creativity with functionality to bring your restaurant's brand to life through high-quality printing solutions. In the competitive world of the food industry, standing out is crucial. Our range of printing services is designed to help your restaurant make a lasting impression on your customers, from eye-catching menus to branded promotional materials. Let's explore how Print Kitchen can be your trusted partner in elevating your restaurant's visual identity.