Take Out Bag 8.25x4.75x13.625

Choose to Customize or Purchase Stock
Step 1 - Select Your Bag Color *
Step 2 - Select Your Logo Color *
Select Your Pantone Color
$712.50 (USD)
Config qty column name Quantity
Config qty useTierPrice false
Attributes length 3
Attribute name: Bag Color with value: Natural Kraft
Attribute name: Logo Color with value: Four Color Single Sided
Attribute name: Pantone Color with value:
Cached attributes length: 3
filename = TakeOutBag-8.25x4.75x4.625.csv
columns initialized: Logo Color,Quantity,Price
get csv price
Checking row matching for columnName = Logo Color row value= Four Color Single Sided
columnName = Logo Color attrValue= Four Color Single Sided temp= Four Color Single Sided
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 250
Quantity matches = true. Row Quantity: 250. Product Quantity: 250
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 2.85
Row: (Four Color Single Sided,250,2.85) with index: 1 is matching: true
price column index=2
price from row = 2.85
set attributes from csv length = 0
set item properties from csv length = 0
product cost column index=-1
unit price = 2.85